Embracing the Beautiful Chaos: Preparing for the First Week Home with Your New Baby

The first week home with your new baby is a time of immense joy, love, and, let's be real, a few sleep-deprived nights. But fear not, because I've got some incredible tips and strategies to help you sail through this transition with grace and ease. So grab a cozy seat, and let's dive into preparing for your baby's first week at home.

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My baby’s first week home looked nothing like I imagined. I gave birth in my local hospital with a midwife and they had an incredible program with a wing of the hospital designed for midwife birthing. It was amazing. And it also meant that I didn’t stay in the hospital after my baby was born since the midwife would visit us at home within 24 hours. This meant that we were discharged from the hospital about 3 hours after giving birth.

I had planned it all out perfectly - my parents were going to be there to help us settle into parenthood and carry a bit of the load for that first week. But it wasn’t meant to be: Our little one came 2 weeks early and my mom got sick so they visited a couple of weeks later. It was a wild first week at home but in hindsight was so sweet. I am here to tell you: You can do more than you think you can and no matter what life (or your little one) throws at you, you can do this.

Here are my tips for preparing for the first week home with your little one:

Stock up on Essentials 

As you prepare for the first week, it's essential to stock up on practical essentials. Fill your shelves with diapers, wipes, and onesies, ensuring you have everything within reach. Make sure you download our Baby Gear Checklist to make sure you have everything prepared for your little one. 

Be sure to also stock up on the home essentials - soft toilet paper, paper plates, frozen lasagnas, paper towels… You won’t want to, or be able to, simply pop out to the store like you used to - so have those home essentials prepared.

Rally Your Support Squad

Now, let's talk about assembling your dream team, because trust me, you're going to want backup! Reach out to your loved ones, friends, and even those kind neighbors you've been meaning to chat with. Let them know how they can support you during this precious time. Whether it's dropping off a homecooked meal, folding laundry, or simply lending a listening ear, your support squad will lift you up and provide the nourishment your soul needs.

Bestie tip: Especially if you don’t have family around, have a friend queued up to rally friends for a meal train.

Embrace Self-Care

As a new mama, self-care is not a luxury; it's a necessity. It is so easy to lose yourself in motherhood and caring for your little one. Make sure you take moments for yourself to rest, recharge, and reconnect with yourself. Treat yourself to nourishing meals, take a shower every day, or indulge in a few chapters of a book that brings you joy. By nourishing your own soul, you'll be better equipped to shower your baby with love and grace.

Craft a Rhythm, Not a Schedule

When it comes to routines, let's toss out rigidity and embrace the beautiful dance of finding a rhythm. Babies (especially newborns!) have a way of defying schedules, and that's okay! I was completely unprepared for the reality of newborn sleep: I didn’t know he would only want to sleep on me. But embracing the beauty of a contact nap and slowing down to savour the moments saved my sanity. Embrace the ebb and flow of your little one's needs, following their cues for feeding, sleeping, and playtime.

On the practical side, ensuring your little one wakes up at the same time each day and gets lots of daylight will help them get their days and nights sorted out. I embraced an eat, play, sleep routine and our little one thrived on it. Ultimately, let go of expectations and surrender to the rhythm that naturally unfolds. Trust me, it's in those unplanned moments that the sweetest memories are made.

Seek Wisdom and Support

As you embark on this incredible journey, remember that knowledge is power. Reach out to trusted experts and seek their wisdom. Connect with other parents who have walked this path before you. Join supportive communities, both online and offline, where you can find encouragement, guidance, and a safe space to share your joys and challenges. You're never alone, my friend. Together, we can navigate the beautiful complexities of parenthood.

Embrace the Imperfectly Perfect Moments

Here's the truth, my dear friend: there's no such thing as perfect parenting. Embrace the messy, unpredictable, and beautifully imperfect moments that come with the territory. Those sleepless nights and spit-up stains? They're all part of the package, and they make your journey uniquely yours. Release the pressure to have it all figured out and instead revel in the joy of simply being present with your little one.

Celebrate the small victories, whether it's a successful diaper change or a spontaneous burst of giggles. Cherish the precious snuggles, even if they disrupt your plans for the day. Embrace the messiness and remember that it's in these seemingly chaotic moments that the most profound connections are formed.

As you navigate the first week home with your baby, extend yourself grace and compassion. Trust in your instincts and know that you are doing an incredible job. Each day is an opportunity to learn, grow, and deepen your bond with your little miracle.

Practical Tips to Prepare:

  1. Meal Prep and Freezer Meals: Before your baby arrives, take some time to prepare and freeze meals that can be easily reheated. This will save you time and energy during those early days when cooking may be the last thing on your mind. Enlist the help of family and friends to assist with meal prep, or consider using a meal delivery service to make things even easier.

  2. Organize Essentials: Keep all the essential items within easy reach. Create designated spaces for diapers, wipes, clothing, burp cloths, and feeding supplies. This will save you from frantic searches when you need them most. Consider setting up changing stations in different parts of your home to make diaper changes more convenient. Be sure to download your Baby Essentials List.

  3. Set Up a Diaper Changing Station: Create a well-stocked diaper changing station in the nursery or any other area you'll frequently use. Stock it with diapers, wipes, diaper rash cream, and spare clothing. Keep a diaper pail nearby to make cleanup quick and easy. Having everything at your fingertips will streamline the changing process and keep your baby comfortable.

  4. Prepare a Comfortable Feeding Area: Create a cozy and comfortable feeding area in your home. Invest in a comfortable chair or designate a comfortable spot on the couch with pillows and blankets for support. Keep essentials like burp cloths, nursing pads, nipple cream, and water within arm's reach. If you're formula feeding, organize and sterilize bottles in advance to streamline feeding times. Check out my First Time Mom’s Guide to Formula Feeding here.

  5. Plan for Sleep: While it's true that newborns have irregular sleep patterns, there is so much you can do to help optimize their sleep in the fourth trimester. My Newborn Sleep Guide walks you through all things sleep from 0-16 weeks. Download your free preview here.

  6. Stock up on Baby Essentials: Ensure you have an ample supply of diapers, wipes, baby clothes, burp cloths, and blankets. Be sure to download our Baby Essentials Checklist. It's always better to be over-prepared than caught off guard.

Download Your Free Baby Essentials Checklist

These practical tips will help you feel more organized and ready to navigate the first week home with your baby. But keep in mind that flexibility and adaptability are key during this time. Trust your instincts, enjoy the precious moments, and embrace the beautiful chaos of welcoming a new life into your home.

You’ve Got This

Remember this: you are embarking on a remarkable journey filled with joy, love, and personal growth. Create a blissful sanctuary, stock up on essentials, shower your baby with love, and rally your support squad. Prioritize self-care and embrace the rhythm of your baby's needs.

Most importantly, celebrate the beautifully imperfect moments that make your parenting journey uniquely yours. Embrace the messy, unexpected, and joyous moments with an open heart. You have everything within you to create a loving and nurturing environment for your baby.

So, take a deep breath, trust yourself, and embrace the incredible adventure that awaits you. This first week home with your new baby will be filled with unforgettable moments and boundless love. You've got this, my friend. Enjoy the journey!

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